Thaamarai World School is Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) affiliated. We prepare our students from LKG to Grade VIII in accordance with the NCERT syllabus giving due respect to the New Educational Policy of the Government of India. Top CBSE Schools in Coimbatore ensure that guidelines of NCERT are implemented without any compromise. We utilize textbooks and reference books based on the guidelines of NCERT. We take extra care to ensure that the syllabus of one class dovetails into the next higher class in a way such that no undue burden is felt by the student.
Scientifically proven graded methods of teaching towards developing the skill to read and write are adopted. Full-fledged laboratories with graded lessons to suit the needs of students are a unique feature of the institution.
To provide a holistic development of students through regular assessment of scholastic and co-scholastic domains of development, the school follows a continuous and comprehensive evaluation according to the guidelines provided by NCERT.
Promotions of students are based on the day-to-day work of the students throughout the year and also on the performance in the semester examination. To ensure that our students receive an only supreme quality education, we are aspiring to be a part of good CBSE Boarding Schools in Coimbatore.
Thaamarai World School is proud to be a part of the best CBSE Schools in the Coimbatore List. We, at Thaamarai World School, strongly believe in not forcing homework on students of KG, Grade I, and II. We feel that creativity, imagination, spirit of inquiry should be instilled in students. Giving homework is a part of rote learning and does not add any value to education.