Today, media, as well as digital devices, are an integral part of the world. It will be healthier if we use them moderately and appropriately. A difficult task, right? Imagine, keeping your children away from mobile phones. It is, of course, a herculean job.

Research has revealed that face-to-face time with family members, children, and friends has a vital impact on children’s learning as well as a healthy development. On the other hand, spending too much time on mobile phones will impact brain development, induce obesity, and delays social development in children. So, let’s not allow our children to be buried in a stream of media and technology.
Here are some useful tips to prevent your child from spending too much time on mobile phones. Implement and see the difference.
Parent Control Application. Installing a parental control app on the mobile phone will assist you much in this regard. If you notice that your child is hooked to the mobile phone, parental control will assist you to considerably bring down the time they spent on the phone.
Fix proper time. Fixing specific time will help you to keep track and restrict the time your kid spends on gadgets and don’t allow them to use once their time is finished.
Promote playtime. Encouraging physical offline play stimulates brain development. It helps children to develop gross as well as fine motor skills, focus on new things and socialize with people. Make offline play a priority, particularly for younger kids.
Increase face-to-face communication. Researches have shown that two-way communication with kids considerably improves language development than passive listening or just one-way interaction with a mobile screen.
Be exemplary. Kids are excellent observers, and they tend to mimic the habits of parents. Limit your mobile phone usage at home. Spend more time with your kids by interacting and playing with them as much as possible.
Prioritize things to do. Ensure that your kid finishes his/her homework, studying, household work before they get on the mobile phone. This enables setting priorities straight right from a tender age.
Keep mobile phones away from the bedroom. Many researchers state that using mobile phones before sleep induces the nervous mechanism that keeps us up. Hence, make sure that you and your kid don’t spend time on mobile phones during bedtime. Read them or tell them stories and promote quick falling asleep as well as easy waking up in the morning.
Cultivate reading habits. Buy the children’s books or encourage them to be a member at a local library. Ask them to get books from their school library for regular reading. This will help them to bring downtime spent on mobile phones.
Visit Thaamarai World School Library Page here
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